Author Archives: Werner Dekarski
“Looking after the earth is a God-given responsibility. Not to look after the earth is a sin.” – Sir John Houghton
“Our stewardship of the earth, as Christians, is to be pursued in dependence on and partnership with God.” – Sir John Houghton
Thursday, September 26, 2019: Mental Health Awareness Walk through Kaitaia.
There are families who experience mental health issues. This is an opportunity for people in Kaitaia to come together and support those families and also reduce stigma.
“Let’s put things right!” says one advertisement in our local paper. It is election time again and the election guide tells us how to vote.
Do you also belong to those people who are conscious that there is something wrong and want to put things right?
The question actually is, “Why is the world as it is?” And the question is answered in the Bible.
There are clever people whose goal it is to make this world a better place and putting it right.
But all their efforts, including improving the education, is not solving the problem, because they do not ask the most important question, namely, “Why is the world as it is?”
The Bible says that the world is as it is because of the devil and his forces. In 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 we read about “the god of this world”. Read also Ephesians 2:1 and Ephesians 6:12.
“I pity the poor man who is in difficulties about what to preach, Sunday after Sunday, hoping that something striking will happen in the news so that he can preach a topical sermon.” – D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
“Go straight for souls and go for the worst.” – William Booth
“God’s kingdom is not a place, but rather a relationship.” – J. I. Packer
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Daylight Saving starts