
“It is a paradox of the Christian life that the more profoundly one is concerned about heaven, the more deeply one cares about God’s will being done on earth.” J.I. Packer


That she was told by her seven-year-old son that she should have stopped and helped the woman lying on the street, writes the editor of the WAR CRY in her editorial. (War Cry 29 June 2019)

Children growing up in Salvation Army families learn very quick, that the Salvation Army is helping people.

There are forms of love to our neighbor. There are deeds of mercy of all sorts, bringing help and relieving suffering.

A poster at the local Salvation Army premises tells us how the Salvation Army is helping people:


62,885 food parcels to 30,309 families and individuals

54,404 instances of social work/counselling to 6801 families and individuals

17,403 meals served at 495 community meals events

2404 people with accommodation in short-term housing with wrap-around support

15,597 budgeting sessions to 5583 families and individuals

$450,000 worth of items from 134 Family stores to people in emergency situations

17,262 counselling sessions for New Zealanders with addiction to alcohol, other drugs and harmful gambling

But what is the answer to the question, “What form of love to our neighbor is most important, most urgent?” EVANGELISM is the answer!