Category Archives: Diary
I found what I was looking for
This morning two Jehovah’s Witnesses knocked on our door.
I asked for a copy of the publication “AWAKE!” and for a copy of the publication “THE WATCHTOWER”.
“AWAKE!” (May 2013) – Printing Each Issue: 43,524,000 in 98 languages
“THE WATCHTOWER” (May 1, 2013) – Printing Each Issue: 44,978,000 in 206 languages
“THE WATCHTOWER” (March 1, 2010) – Printing Each issue 39,601,000 in 180 languages
“Approximately $200,000 is spent each day promoting alcohol in New Zealand”
– Dave Hookway
Northland District Health Board Health promotion advisor – alcohol and other drugs
I am reading that quote in one of our local papers. (NORTHERN NEWS, May 1, 2013)
Notes taken from “ONE HUNDRED BIBLE LESSONS,” by Alban Douglas, page 253.
“Alcohol is a poison men take into the mouth to steal away the brain.” – Shakespeare
“Strong drink is more destructive than war, pestilence and famine.” – Gladstone
“The devil in solution.” – Sir Wilfred Lawson
“A cancer in human society, eating out its vitals and threatening its destruction.” – Abraham Lincoln
“Distilled damnation.” – Robert Hall
“An artist in human slaughter.” – Lord Chesterfield
“The most criminal and artistic method of assassination ever invented by bravos of any age or nation.” – Ruskin
“Drunkenness has killed more men than all of history’s wars.” – General Pershing
“My experience through life has convinced me that abstinence from spirituous liquors is the best safeguard to morals and health.” – General Robert E. Lee
“He who drinks is deliberately disqualifying himself for administration.” – President Taft