“100 Things to do before you die”

wernerweb-150x150“I always ask people what is on their list, and many people reply that they’ve never thought about it. But what could be more important than identifying what you want to do in life?”

 With “list” here a bucket list is meant and I am reading all that in the magazine called GOOD READING December 2011 / January 2012 on the pages 24 and 25. ( I found the magazine in our library.)

“I was searching for myself through travel,” I am reading there also.

Let me say first of all that I have a “list”, but I must also say that I have never searched for myself.

I have searched for the meaning to life.

There is a wonderful promise in Jeremiah 29:13,14, where the Lord says: “‘You will seek me and find me  when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,’ declares the LORD, …” 

I was seeking with all my heart and found the Lord. Actually the Lord found me! That was long ago and from then on my goal in life was to do what the Lord wanted me to do. Straight away I had the desire and I still have the desire to tell others about what the Lord has done for me. I did that in Germany, as a missionary in Thailand (WEC*), as a missionary in Kaikohe (UMM*) and  now in Kaitaia (Retired). 

But back to the magazine called GOOD READING mentioned already.

There it says also, “People now email me, not only congratulating me  for things that I’ve done, but also to share  their own list of goals.”

My  GOAL is to please the Lord Jesus Christ and my GOAL is the salvation of my soul.

Please read Second Corinthians 5:9 and First Peter 1:9 .

In First Peter 1:9 we read:


*WEC is short for a Missionary Society and UMM the same.


14. 02. 2013 120Not long ago a neighbour lady gave us the latest issues of the paper called “HERALD OF HIS COMING”.

I remember the paper from my time in Germany, where I came to the Lord, (Herold Seines Kommens) many years ago and it is a joy to see the paper again.

In the August 2012 “Herald of His Coming” I found this quote by Corrie Ten Boom:

“When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don’t throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and  trust the engineer.”


sees the invisible,

believes the unbelievable, and

receives the impossible.”

Homosexuality. What does the Bible say?

“Gay and proud of it,” I am reading in The New Zealand Herald, Thursday, February 14, 2013.

“Gay? & Unhappy” and “Gay & Christian,” are two advertisements in the NZ Baptist. (February 2013)

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Is homosexuality a sickness? Is homosexuality a sin?

There are many Christians who do not know what to answer. Christians who have studied the Bible have learned that the Bible calls homosexuality sin.

I have studied the Bible and that settles the question for me.  



14. 02. 2013 120“If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness and fear.” – Cesare Pavese

1.  “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.” – First Corinthians 13:4

2.  “Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in….. dissension and jealousy. ” – Romans 13:13

3.  “without love, unforgiving, … ” – Second Timothy 3:3

4.  “For where you have envy and selfish ambition, …” – James 3:16 / Galatians 5:20

5.  “‘Fear not, for I have redeemed you; …'” – Isaiah 43:1


In an invitation to “The Puku Project EFK Challenge Tackling Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity” I am reading that Obesity is already bad in New Zealand and that the forecast does not look good. I am reading the same about Type 2 Diabetes.

I am learning also that if we exceed the amount of glucose we need every day for energy, the excess is stored as fat.

Not only obesity will be likely the end result, but also Type 2 diabetes, if this goes on for a long time.

We must learn life-changing concepts.

In the invitation it says also, “Fortunately, for most people the solution is simple. Turn all this  around by learning to maintain normal blood-sugar levels and committing to a few simple food and lifestyle changes.”


EFT is short for Eat For Keeps .


“‘Free Indeed,'” I saw written in big letters on the campervan from a distance.

The two words reminded me of something!

The van was parked on the main street here in Kaitaia today. (Commerce Street)

Walking nearer to the campervan I noticed that “‘Freedom Indeed'” was written on the front of the vehicle and on the back. I noticed also a sticker on the back of the van and on the front. On the stickers was written: “GOOD NEWS VANNERS”. On the stickers was also the picture of a dove.

It was also my privilege to have a conversation with the owner of the vehicle, a true follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The two words “‘Free Indeed'” reminded me of course of the verse in the Bible, where it says:

“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”

What growing Churches have in Common

In an article written by Murray Robertson I am reading what growing Churches have in common. (NZ Baptist, February 2013, page 3)

I am learning from the article  that “clear Biblical preaching,” “a commitment to consistent Biblical Preaching” and “good expository preaching”  is the foundation of growing Churches.

I am also learning that the result, (outcome) is what I call Personal Evangelism. (PE) Murray Robertson says, “The thing that struck me most of all about the group was their obvious  sense of joy in speaking to others about the gospel.” I spoke about my faith  in the Lord Jesus Christ this morning. I talked to a complete stranger. We talked while walking together on the road.

In between comes that the members of growing churches are focused, their themes are Empowerment and Discipleship. Murray Robertson says about Discipleship: “This was seen not simply as the accumulation of knowledge about the faith but a capacity to let lifestyles be shaped by the values of the gospel.”  The members of growing churches are also from many different nationalities.

Let us learn from growing Churches  

ADVOCATE – Post 4,739



A long time ago, in fact a very long time ago, a man said, “If only there were someone to arbitrate between us, to lay his hand upon us both.”

That was actually said so long ago that nobody really knows how long ago it was said, but because it is so important, it is a subject of much discussion.

The man is actually saying that he is looking for someone who can achieve a settlement between himself and God. With other words he is looking for a mediator. He is looking for an advocate. He is looking for an interceder.

And there is a mediator.

The mediator is the man Christ Jesus. He is the ransom for all men (First Timothy 2:5).

The Lord Jesus Christ is our defender. He speaks to the Father, if we do sin. He is the Righteous One (First John 2:1). 

And there is an intercessor.

The following verses tell us about the Intercession of the Lord Jesus Christ with the Father for mankind.

In Isaiah 53:12 the Lord Jesus Christ intercedes for the transgressors. That is us!

In Luke 22:32 the Lord Intercedes for Simon, who is a weak believer. 

The Lord Jesus Christ had enemies. In Luke 23:34 He is interceding for his enemies. Here we can really learn a lot! 

In John 14:16 He is asking the Father to send the Counselor, the comforter. 

In John 17:9 the Lord Jesus Christ is interceding for the believers, for the body of Christ. You find them in the different denominations!

Please read Romans 8:34 and you will be encouraged. 

What an encouragement it is also to read Hebrews 7:25. Please memorize Hebrews 7:25.

The avocate, the mediator,  is the Lord Jesus Christ and the man who said, “If only there were someone to arbitrate between us, to lay his hand upon us both,” was Job.

You read about the problem of Job’s affliction and the use of suffering in the divine plan in the book called JOB in the Bible.