Sir Paul Holmes on Death

“Asked whether he was scared, he did not hesitate to answer.  ‘Yeah. The scariest thing is going to bed and closing your eyes and not knowing if you are going to wake up again – that’s my scary thing.

‘I’m a bit frightened, but I plan to increase my peace with God. I’m worried about what’s over the hill. I don’t know what there is.'” – Sir Paul Holmes on death (broadcaster) 

THE NEW ZEALAND HERALD, Monday, January 28, 2013

I like the Gospel Song with the following Chorus by Ira Stamphill:

“I’ve got a mansion just over the hilltop,

In that bright land where we’ll never grow old;

And someday yonder we will never more wander,

But walk the streets that are purest gold.”


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Ahipara – Gateway to Ninety Mile Beach

This is the Place to start with coffee!

19. 01. 2013 087

Ahipara – Gateway to Ninety Mile Beach

The Mountain is called WHANGATOATEA

19. 01. 2013 083

Ahipara – Gateway to Ninety Mile Beach 

19. 01. 2013 077

Ahipara – Gateway to Ninety Mile Beach

19. 01. 2013 098

Ahipara – Gateway to Ninety Mile Beach

Tsunami Warning for New Zealand

Tsunami Warning for New Zealand

What kind of person are you?

19_-01_-2013-029-e1358580862434It came just now over the news that in spite of the threat of a tsunami people are still carrying on at the beach as if there was no warning issued.

It is the same when it comes to spiritual matters. Just now I am looking up the words “warn, warned, warning and warnings” in the concordance (Bible)  and I find a lot of warnings in the BIBLE.

I remember what our teacher once said, when I was at elementary school (and that is long ago). 

He said that those pupils who were already obedient, became even more obedient when exhorted and that those who were disobedient did not take much notice of warnings.

It seems that there are two kinds of people.  

Labeled Schizophrenic!

6. 2. 2012 040At the present time I enjoy reading the book THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELOR’S MANUAL by Jay E. Adams.

On page 25 I am reading that some people are labeled schizophrenic by psychiatrists, but that with proper counseling they come right again!

Let Me Encourage You …


Let me encourage you to read …

At the beginning of this year (01. 01. 2013) I started reading the Bible from the beginning (Genesis) and today  (06. 02. 2013) I arrived at the end of the book called EXODUS and started the book LEVITICUS.

Let me encourage you to read the:

Read the BIBLE!




Yesterday I attended a concert given by Eduard Klassen, a ChrIstian Paraguayan folk harpist at KAITAIA UNION PARISH at 7:00pm.


“Eduard Klassen was born and raised in an isolated area of Paraguay, South America, (508 km from the nearest city) and was 15 years old when he first saw a paved highway. Playing the harp has been his passion since 1975.” – From the invitation


“Eduard would welcome  the opportunity to join you in sharing the “Good News” of the gospel through music in your community.

“‘I’m working for the Lord’, says Eduard, ‘wherever He leads. In my life and in my travels I seek to uplift the Lord’s name. I love to tell others what God has done for me. My desire is to use my gift of music and testimony to exhort and encourage other people in all walks of life.'” – From the invitation.