Category Archives: Diary
Todesanzeige oder Lebensanzeige?
Wir sind gewohnt, von Todesanzeigen zu lesen. Aber wie erstaunt war ich heute, von einer Lebensanzeige unter
zu lesen.
“Lebensanzeige – durch den Tod
ins ewige Leben uebergegangen,”
heisst es da und darunter finde ich den folgenden Bibelvers:
“Ich bin die Auferstehung und das Leben; wer an mich glaubt, wird leben, auch wenn er gestorben ist; und jeder, der da lebt und an mich glaubt, wird nicht sterben in Ewigkeit.” – Johannes 11:25,26
Und darunter steht natuerlich der Name des Verstorbenen und der Name der hinterbliebenen Frau.
Welch eine Ermutigung ist es fuer mich, das zu lesen.
Wie wird dein Leben enden?
Mit einer Todesanzeige oder einer Lebensanzeige?
“I helped save a life by donating to Surf Life Saving,” is the message on the sticker.
What is life?
We are born and we die and the time in between is our life.
We are very familiar with our body, the physical part of man, the part that dies.
What happened after the Fall? Our body became a dying body.
But how familiar are we with the two nonphysical parts of a person?
The spirit lives on after death. The soul also survives death.
Man has three parts. The Bible teaches that very clearly. First Thessalonians 5:23; Hebrews 4:12 and Luke 1:46,47.
“May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole SPIRIT, SOUL and BODY be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” – First Thessalonians 5:13
Why did the Lord Jesus Christ die on the cross? The answer is that he died to redeem our soul.
And there are several reasons for being a soul winner. The fact of hell is enough reason for being a soul winner. Do we really believe that souls are headed for a lost eternity of hell fire?
If we really believed that, would we not do more to persuade people to turn from sin to the Lord Jesus Christ?
I think we would.
Yesterday I talked to two people on a street corner here in our town about my faith. I had two attentive listeners.
Another is the worth of a soul. More than all the world is the worth of one soul.
I cannot say, “I helped save a life by donating to Surf Life Saving,” but I can say, “I helped save a soul by donating to the work of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Finished reading the book “TE MARAE” by Hiwi and Pat Tauroa.
A Guide to Customs and Protocol.
The book was given to me.
“Top 20 Books This Week,” says The Warehouse advertisement, and the prices are valid until 4/02/14.
The first book on the list is called “SUMMER ANNUAL by Annabel Langbein.” The price is $19.00.
The Warehouse advertisement reminds me of My “Top Book This Week”. I have only one top book!
Let me tell you about my Top Book This Week:
The book is supreme.
It has the answer to the questions of life.
Common questions are: “Why was I born? Why did God make me? Why am I here? What is the purpose of life?”
It has also the answer to the questions of death.
Have you ever asked: What is the origin of death? What is the cause of death? Is there a remedy?
Please read the supreme book to find the answers. Study it.
I love reading the supreme book. I endeavor to read it every day and I think I really do.
And my top book this week is not only my top book this week, but also the next week and the week thereafter. The fact is that my top book is my top book all the time.
It is also the top book of many, many people worldwide.
And you cannot compare my top book with any other book ever written. Why? Because my top book is written by God the Holy Spirit and will never pass away.
My top book is THE BOOK OF BOOKS, the Bible!
“fear less love more”
“fear less love more”
“There is no fear in love – dread does not exist; but full-grown (complete, perfect) love turns fear out of doors and expels every trace of terror! For fear brings with it the thought of punishment, and [so] he who is afraid has not reached the full maturity of love – is not yet grown into love’s complete perfection.” – First John 5:18 (The Amplified Bible)