Category Archives: My Pulpit is the World
Yesterday I talked to two Germans and today with two more Germans here in Kaitaia. I am from Germany. We are not only talking about general things, but my main purpose is to communicate the GOSPEL, to tell them what the Lord has done for me and that everyone who believes will be saved. I am also thankful to the Lord when they accept my business cards at the end of the conversation. From now on I will always have some of the cards in my pocket. The business cards are homemade.
“To make the World a better Place.”
“To make the world a better place.”
That was the answer from one of my two listeners from Germany, when I asked them, “What do you think what life is all about?”
I asked that question while I was witnessing, telling them about the Lord Jesus Christ.
My desire as a true follower of the Lord Jesus Christ is to grow spiritually and one of the best ways to do that is to tell others about the Lord.
We have the message, but if we want people to respond
1. We must ask the Lord to open hearts.
In the Bible we are reading about a woman called Lydia . She listened to the message of the apostle Paul and the Lord opened her heart. She was from Thyatira and a dealer in purple cloth. She was also a worshiper of God.
Acts 16:14
“The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul’s message.”
While we are witnessing we must at the same time ask the Lord to open the hearts of our hearers! – Read about Lydia in the book of Acts, Acts chapter 16:11-15
2. We must ask the Lord to open blind minds.
The minds of unbelievers are blinded. Who has blinded the minds of unbelievers? The devil! Unbelievers are blind to the light of the gospel.
While we are witnessing we must at the same time ask the Lord to open the blind minds of the unbelieving listeners.
Second Corinthians 4:4
“The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”
3. We must ask the heavenly Father to plant plants.
In Matthew 15:13 the Lord Jesus Christ says:
“‘Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots.'”
I know that I am a plant, a believer, planted by the heavenly Father of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do you?
While we are witnessing we must ask the heavenly Father of the Lord Jesus Christ to plant plants.
Let me summarize with Acts 13:48!
But most of all we must ask the Lord to lead us to people who are appointed for eternal life.
Acts 13:48
“When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honered the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believed.”
“Ready to chat housing?”
My answer:
No, I am not ready to chat housing
But I am always ready to chat HOPE!
I did that not long ago at New Lynn Mall in Auckland, on my way from New Lynn Mall to Nikau Street in Auckland, and today here in Kaitaia in a restaurant. My pulpit is the world.
Do you want to know why I am always ready to tell people about the HOPE I have?
Here is the answer:
Read about our “Resurrection Hope” in the Bible, the Word of the Living God (First Corinthians 15:17,18).
Christ has risen:
1. Our faith is not futile.
2. We are no longer in our sins.
3. Those who have fallen asleep in Christ are also not lost.
“Jesus is the Reason for the Season”
was written on the shirt.
What a joy it was to talk today to the person wearing the shirt straight after the conversation with an elderly couple from Germany. (I am also from Germany.) The couple from Berlin did not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Matthew 10:32,33
Click on Matthew 10:32,33 and read!
The two Germans told me that they had been to CAPE REINGA.
Acknowledging and Disowning!
Matthew 10:32,33:
My Pulpit is the World – 3. 11. 2010
It was a privilege to sit today with three young Germans from Berlin in a restaurant and tell them about my belief in the Lord Jesus Christ. The three young fellows are over here in New Zealand for three weeks to support the German rowers at Lake Karapiro.
I told them of course what Angelika Merkel said about preaching the GOSPEL in GERMNAY again. Angelika Merkel said: “Let us talk again about Christianity! Let us proclaim the GOSPEL with a joyful heart! How often are we doing that?”
Read also the post ‘Angelika Merkel: Calling to proclaim the GOOD NEWS again in Germany!’
My Pulpit is the World
Today I had only two listeners from Germany, really nice young people. This time they were standing and I was sitting…… on the bench in front of the Warehouse in Kaitaia.
My Pulpit is the World
Witnessed to three young Germans today………. in one of the restaurants here in Kaitaia. They were sitting and I was standing.
Acts 1:8
“…; and you will be my witnesses
1. in Jerusalem (KAITAIA), and in all
2. Judea……..”