What a beautiful day it was !

I just came along and heard the strangers conversing in  my mother tongue.

Eventually I had two listeners before me. This time outside. I was standing and they were sitting and really listening.


And remember again the chapter in the Bible where the Lord Jesus Christ is talking with a Samaritan Woman in John 4:1-25.

Read also Matthew 10:32; First Corinthians 9:16.

“Follow the Leader” or On Saturday is Market Day in Kaitaia

I looked at the back of a car and saw “FOLLOW THE LEADER” written above the number plate in quite big letters.

Who is your leader? My leader is the Lord Jesus Christ. I am following him already for many years.

In Matthew 4:19, my leader, the Lord Jesus Christ says,  ” ‘Come,  follow me,’ Jesus said,…………………………’and I will make you fishers of men.’ “

It ‘just happened’ that all of a sudden on the marketplace I heard an elderly couple conversing in the German language.

We got talking of course, and in the course of our conversation I mentioned also, what I had read on the back of the car and that I am a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We talked for quite some time. I told him what was on my heart and he told be what he thought…….

Pray for the couple!

Meine Kanzel ist die Welt


Ich sass im Familienrestaurant und las die Zeitung, als ein Mann und eine Frau (junge Leute) kamen, und sich an einen Tisch auf der anderen Seite niederliessen. Als sie sozusagen mit dem Essen fertig waren, sprach ich sie an, und ging zu ihrem Tisch und blieb dort stehen.

Mein Anliegen  war es natuerlich, Ihnen vom Herrn Jesus zu sagen,  ein Zeugnis zu sein. Ich sagte alles, was der Herr mir aufs Herz legte und sie hoerten gerne zu. Dafuer war ich natuerlich sehr dankbar.

Ich stand die ganze Zeit, waehrend sie sassen und das ganze sah so aus, als wenn ich eine Versammlung von zwei Leuten hatte – und das in  einem Restaurant.

Warum macht es mir nun grosse Freude, davon zu berichten?

Gestern passierte genau das gleiche, nur meine Zuhoerer waren andere.


Kennen Sie das Buch “Mein Kanzel ist die Welt” von Friedrich Meisinger?

Ist erschienen im Reinhard Kawohl Wesel – Verlag fuer Jugend und Gemeinde. (22. Auflage 2002)

“The Best Use of Life…..”

“The best use of life is to invest it in something which will outlast life.”

William James

In John 4:36 we read,

“Even now the reaper draws his wages, even now he harvests the crop FOR ETERNAL LIFE, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together.”P1030085

“Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’ ” Matthew 9:37,38

I had two conversations today. In those two conversations I talked to people about my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

One conversation was with two Germans, a young man and a young woman. The young man has a brother who is studying to be a catholic priest.

If it has been revealed to you by God, the Father, that Jesus is the Christ  (Messiah), the Son of the Living God, and if you know that you are planted by God, the Father, you “must” tell others about your FAITH!

Matthew 16:17; Matthew 15:13


Every Saturday the big car park in front of the Warehouse here in Kaitaia in the north of New Zealand turns into a busy marketplace and people come from all over the place to sell their merchandise.

According to Acts 1:8 where it says, “…; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem (Kaitaia), and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth,” I witnessed to somebody in the course of our conversation.F1010009

I have seen him since and last time I saw him he called me pilgrim. And I feel like a pilgrim! (Did I not tell that somebody else lately?) I told him so much. I said also, “I actually like to be called pilgrim. I am in fact a pilgrim. I said also to him, “You know quite a bit about what the Bible says. We must talk some more!”

I looked up the word ‘pilgrim’ in the concordance and here are some Bibleverses:

Genesis 47:9

In this verse you find the word pilgrimage twice.

Psalm 119:54

Read this verse in The Amplified Bible and you find the word pilgrimage.

Exodus 6:4

Aliens= pilgrims. I like aliens even better. But are we living as aliens? Or are we considering this our homeland?

Hebrews 11:13

aliens=pilgrims. It says here also that we are strangers! Are you feeling like a stranger on earth?

First Peter 2:11

aliens again=pilgrims. And strangers!

According to the dictionary a pilgrim is “a person who undertakes a journey to a sacred place.”


I told them about the Lord, those two German tourists. Matthew 10:32,33

But now I ask myself: Don’t Germans go to church any  more and don’t they explore the meaning of life any more either?

(Deutschland, das Land der Reformation und das Land der Dichter und Denker!)

But they listened to what I had to say and I encouraged them to think about it.