Today I received an email.
One sentence was printed in red and there was even a little picture to go with the sentence: A road winding along and a tree in the distance. The email said, “Please consider the environment before printing this email.” I did just the opposite and printed it. I had a special reason to do so.
That email was a reminder. I remembered again the two lovely young men I met in front of the Kaitaia Post office a number of days ago. Especially one of them talked very quick and excitedly about GREENPEACE. I was all with them. I mean, I agreed with them. I am very careful with all the things I have and try to keep them in good order and I hate loosing things. – And we should save the environment! Do you agree with that?
At the end of our conversation I asked for some literature and they gave me a little card with the headline: Saving the environment begins at home.” Eight points were listed underneath how to do that. Let me just mention three of them:
1. We are told to refuse plastic bags at the supermarket. And I love them! How many are given out every day in NZ? Have a guess? The number is given! (3 million!)
2. “Driving 100km/hr instead of 110km can cut 13% of your fuel bill, but taking public transport or walking/biking reduces fuel use even more.”
Where is the public transport? It is very dangerous to go by bike anywhere. I hear that on the news. It is also dangerous on my little scooter – and from now on more expensive.
3. On the little card I read also about methane. Methane is a climate changing gas. Food scraps in landfills produce methane. Therefore what? You guessed it. “Compost your food scraps.” Are you doing that already? That is good.
But why am I writing all this?
Just as “saving the environment begins at home”, witnessing begins at home! Acts 1:8 Click on the address and read. Saves me writing Acts 1:8. We should actually know that important verse off by heart. Do you?
And – believe it or not, those two fine young men were also disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. And – yes I believed them – they were different. You know what I am talking about.
I think I had also my special cap on my head – but no mention of the cap was made so far as I can remember.