Do you love pigs?
Last Saturday I was admonished and encouraged to love pigs. It was at the marketplace here in Kaitaia in front of the Warehouse.
I bought a lovely sticker at one stall for two Dollars – picture –
and picked up two flyers. One had the headline in big letters : “FOR THE LOVE OF PIGS….” The second flyer was all about the imprisonment of battery hens.
The information is printed by: “SAFE” “The voice for all animals”
The campaign is called: “SAFE’s FREEDOM FOR PIGS CAMPAIGN”
You can also “Take a LOVEPig Pledge by visiting” Believe it or not, but you are encouraged to do so.
Donations can also be made of course.
I remember actually seeing a TV programme about pigs some time ago that dealt with this issue.
I walked away with the colourful sticker and the beautiful flyers until…….. the thought came to my mind to go back and tell the lady at the stall that I love the Lord Jesus Christ. She believes in karma I found out in the course of our conversation. I don’t really know very much about karma. Looked up karma just now in the dictionary. It has to do with reincarnations I read.
Looking around some more at the market my interest was aroused by the “FOR THE LOVE OF PIGS…” leaflet stuck to the car window of another stall. I told that stall lady also that I loved the Lord, referring to the sticker stuck to her car window. She told me, that she is a Buddhist, sort of a Buddhist. I mentioned that we worked in Thailand as missionaries and that our language teacher, now a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, was once a Buddhist priest. – Thailand is a buddhist country.
Our conversation ended on that Saturday with my remark that we must talk some more about this matter. She was an agreement.
Just before it was time for me to go home for lunch, I ran into a keen christian lady I know quite well and mentioned the “FOR THE LOVE OF PIGS …” CAMPAIGN……..
I think it is a good idea to encourage each other in the witness for the Lord! (Personal Evangelism)