What do we really need?

It happens almost automatically that I look into the shop windows. It happened again today. The shopwindow was the window of a pharmacy. There was a poster and on the poster it said: ALL YOU NEED IS LEMSIP MAX

It carried on like this: Cold and flu with decongestant capsules.

Headaches and fever/Blocked and runny Nose/Body pains and Aches/Sore Throat/Non -drowsy

Very interesting, I thought. Where had I read that before ? All you need is….. I think it was some time ago where they are selling the New Zealand Herald. I went straight to the place here in town where they are selling the paper. But I could not find All you need is the Herald. All I read was There is a lot more to it. Whatever it may be, all you need is a catchphrase! Most of the time.

I told you a little bit more about Lemsip. But I don’t need to tell you what is written in the newspapers. You have read that probably this morning yourself or you are still going to read about it. More bad news than good news for sure. And then I remembered that I had heard that before. All you need…………….

It was in the heart of London many years ago. The house was in SE London in Upper Norwood and it happened in the house number 19 on Highland Road. I was there to brush up my english. The reason why I remember so well is probably that that was a very interesting and exciting time for me in he UK.

The Telephone booth was right at the door of the main entrance and when I passed the booth one day I heard a voice coming from the booth without eavesdropping saying All you need is Jesus. Yes , it was a Mission house and somebody rang for help.The voice in the booth I recognized as the voice of an old missionary who had been in Congo for 40 years and who had seen revival there. We need many things, but most of all we need the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour. That is really Good News!

In order to stand before God, the Father, we need the righteousness of Jesus. Otherwise we cannot stand before God and everybody will stand before God, the Father one of these days.

Many years ago in Germany, when I was a young Christian we had the Janz Team doing evangelistic outreaches all over the country and one message from Leo Janz was Saviour or Judge? Will God be your Saviour or your Judge one of these days?

Come, and believe in the Lord and escape eternal punishment.



I cannot forget the little note I read many years ago on board the good ship “Tui” in Waitangi in the Bay of Islands. It said that the diver called Mr Harper lost his life diving for treasures off the Three Kings Islands in the north of New Zealand.

Kelly Tarlton’s “Tui” is a museum of shipwrecks and treasures salvaged from shipwrecks are there displayed for tourists and anybody who wants to see them. Aboard the tall ship at Waitangi is also a cafe and restaurant called the “Wheelhouse”.

The steamer, “Elingamite” ( 2585 tons) was lost off the Three Kings Islands in November of 1902. The treasures salvaged from the “Elingamite”are also displayed there. But diver, E. J. Harper, died on January 23rd 1907, after diving for coins. He began to have “deep water pains” and after the third dive on that day he complained about chest pains and collapsed and died. He gave his life for the sake of earthly treasures. What a tragedy.

His life reminds us first of all of the brevity and uncertainty of this life. The Bible tells us plainly that ” it is appointed unto man once to die and after that judgment”. We are also reminded that earthly riches will not prepare us for eternity. Jesus himself asked the question,” What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36). The death of Mr Harper brings to mind another death- that of the Lord Jesus Christ. His death was so different. He did not die for earthly treasures that will soon pass away. He died for you and me. By his death he paid the penalty for our sins which separate us from God. By his resurrection He lives to be our Saviour.Through accepting Him into our lives we can be prepared for death and eternity.

As a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ I ask myself the question, ” How am I using my life?” Am using it for His eternal purposes? Am I obedient to His commands as found in the Bible? Am I willing to pour out my life for other people? How far am I willing to dive down for eternal treasures- precious lost souls? Obeying God and allowing his love to control us may lead us to places that we find uncomfortable and where we do not want to go.

May the Lord help us to do what he wants us to do and to go where he wants us to go. Some Christians have given their lives for Him. They will be rewarded with eternal treasures in Heaven. How “deep” are we willing to go?



” Dad! Dad!” It was the voice of my daughter calling me as she ran toward my office. My wife was just back from the photo shop and I knew Kerryn wanted to show me the developed pictures she had taken some time ago.

“Look Dad, look!” she said as we looked through the pictures together.

“Can I keep this picture?” I asked her.

“Of Course,” was the quick reply . It was a picture of “Tane Mahuta” and I had actually forgotten about the trip when the picture was taken.

In front of my writing table is a map of the northern part of Northland. Between Waimamaku and Katui on the east side of the map is the Waipoua State Forest. When com ing from Opononi in the north, driving south through Waimamaku, one enters the forest and right at the beginning of the forest can be seen in big letters on the map “BIG TREE”. The big tree is “Tane Mahuta”, a giant Kauri tree. The Kauri is a native conifer or cone-bearing tree, and oozes a valuable resin-kauri gum.

“Tane Mahuta” is the Maori name for this big tree and its meaning is “Lord of the Forest.”It is the largest tree in the Waipoua Forest and is estimated to be 1200 years old. It is 51 metres high, and has a girth of 14 metres at the height of 4,5 metres from the ground. Its trunk is clear of all lateral branches for 12 metres.

I had heard that sometimes with these giant trees the inside can be rotten. This was confirmed from information I found at the local library.

When I was reading about the rottenness of the inside of some of these trees I was reminded of some people who call themselves Christians. These are people with a good outside appearance and other people are often quite impressed with them because they appear to be the real thing.

But God knows what we are like on the inside and he is not impressed with a seemingly good outside appearance. The Bible, the Word of God, says in Romans 3:12,” All have turned away. They have together become worthless”. And in Romans 3:23 it says,” For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

The Bible says that there must be a complete change from within. Our Lord Jesus Christ said to Nicodemus in the Gospel of John,” You must be born again”. Although he was religious this man still needed to own up to his sinfulness and accept the Lord Jesus as his personal Saviour. The Bible also says in Second Corinthians 5:17.” Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone , the NEW has come”!

Do you know that you are born again? Do you know that you are a new creation in Christ? We can know. The Bible says so. You need to make sure of this while you still have the opportunity of doing so.





I don’t know what kind of news you have heard today over the radio or read in the papers or seen on TV. Maybe you heard again about earthquakes, accidents on the road, cyclones, floods, hijackings, train accidents, corrupt governments , and so on. One catastrophe has not finished before we are hearing of another one.

Not long ago I saw printed on a paper shopping bag,”Global Village”. And that’s what we are. Things are happening anywhere in the global village and we not only hear about them, but we can see them happening at the same time. Our modern news technology is fantastc.

In times like these when one catastrophic thing is chasing another, we need something to hold on to. One of the best- known news reporters in our country has expressed our situation so vividly in his autobiography he wrote some time ago. I am quoting from page 295, “Sometimes I felt a floated like flotsam on the reeling sea with no one to keep me grounded.” I think that is actually true of the bulk of humanity.

“In times like these you need an anchor,” says the songwriter in an old English church hymn we used to sing long ago. Do you remember the hymn?

We do read about THE ANCHOR in the Bible , the word of God. It says in Hebrews 6,17-20 ,” God also bound himself with an oath, so that those who received the promise could be perfectly sure that he would never change his mind. So God has given both his promise and his oath. These two things are unchangable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us. This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary. Jesus has already gone in there before us. He has become our eternal High Priest in the order if Melchizedek.”

This is the great encouragement and anchor that believers in the Lord Jesus Christ have. He went before us into Heaven into the presence of God. We cannot see him, but He is our HOPE and the ANCHOR for our souls. In the storms of life He is keeping us safe and taking us to our eternal destination.

DO you have this hope today as an ANCHOR for your soul?




This is rather a long word for someone who is learning the Maori language. Maybe it is also difficult to translate, because it is so long. But it means literally “a standing place for the feet”. We are all glad when our feet are standing on something that is firm and not slippery like ice.

Let us think about our basic emotions. One of our basic emotions is that we are longing for a place on which to put out feet. We all want a spot beyond question to call our own. And this word “Turangawaewae” refers to this place.

A place or a spot has to do with geography, but the word “Turangawaewae” means much more than just a geographic location. When we hear this word we know straight away that it is connected with land and land ownership, like the word “take” pronounced “tuck-air” which, in this case means title or ownership.

But now we want to think about this word “Turangawaewae- “a standing place for the feet”. I remember that somebody once said,”Give me a firm place to stand on and I can move the world.”

Where do we find the real firm place for our feet? The firmest place, the real foundation is talked about in the Bible, the Word of God. In the part that is called the New Testament, in one of the letters to the Christians in Corinth, the Apostle Paul said, “For no-one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid which is Jesus Christ” (First Corinthians 3:11)

The Lord Jesus is not one foundation among many; He is the ONLY foundation. Are you standing on this foundation? If you are trusting Him as your Lord and Saviour, then you are!



Clicking on ABOUT shows you that we are living in Kaitaia in the north of New Zealand. Kaitaia is a Maori name and the meaning is “Food in abundance”. The town is 155 km northwest of Whangarei.

We surely do have food in abundance for our bodies because there are several shops where we can buy it and our supermarket is Pak’n Save. On top of that the water is not very far away and we can go fishing.

But we do not only need food for our bodies, but we need also food for our souls. The Lord Jesus Christ himself says so in Matthew 4:4, ‘MAN DOES NOT LIVE ON BREAD ALONE , BUT ON EVERY WORD THAT COMES FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD.’

I mentioned already the many food shops, but there are also many Churches. And I hope that people find there the spiritual food they need for their souls.


No I.D. No entry

When going to the Post Office today I passed the tavern and at the front door I saw this written with chalk on a blackboard and the blackboard was placed at the entrance.

You know what the meaning is of I.D. of course. No I.D. No entry. You have to ientify yourself in order to get in.

That reminds me of another place called heaven. It is said that we all want to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die.

But in order to go to heaven we also need an I.D. We need to know the NAME of the Lord Jesus Christ. We need to know the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour. We must believe:

— We need to know what it says about HIM in the Bible.

— We need to give mental assent.

— We must trust HIM . That is most important




Upgrading the Main Street in Kaitaia

An advertisement in our local newspaper ” The Northern News” caught my attention and while I am writing this I have it before me. At the top are the words in big red print, “FIND A FIRM FOOTING” and underneath there is a picture of a truck bearing the name of a local firm dealing in Ready Mix Concrete. Beside the truck is the smiling face of a man who is the operator of three trucks. Then there is a little article and a photo of another truck and, of course, the address and phone number.

Concrete is a good way of providing a “FIRM FOOTING”- for paths and driveways. But what about our lives? Do we have a firm footing for them?

Yes, we surely need a firm footing, not only for this life but also for eternity. Someone has well said,”Give me a firm place to stand and I can move the world”. But where do we find our real firm footing?

I like to learn Bible verses off by heart, and one verse I have learned is in First Corinthians 3:11. It says,”For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.” Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Christian’s firm footing . And not only that He is also the Beginning and the End. It says so in the last book of the Bible, Revelation (1:8, 21:6). Jesus himself says,”Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End” Rev. 22:12-13. ((Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet).

The Lord Jesus is also our Rock. In the Psalms the Lord is called our Rock.

Whenever I am discouraged I like to read the Psalms. Psalm 31:2 and 71:3 say,” Be my Rock of refuge.” I especially like Psalm 40:2, The first three verses of this Psalm say,” I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a ROCK and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord”.

Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ do have a firm footing. And there is no other foundation to build our lives on other than our Lord and Saviour. With Him we can move our town, we can move our country for Him through our prayers and service. Let’s do it!