We must talk about it (PE)

I am at the checkout of the foodtown supermarket in New Lynn, Auckland, and starting to talk to an elderly man I have never met before as we are waiting to be served.

He is before me but seems to want to continue to talk, because he is waiting for me over there until I am also through. We are talking about all sorts of things until we are finished and taking leave from one another.

I am sitting down with the food I bought and some time later on the way to the conveniences I remembered all of a sudden that I had missed again one good opportunity to talk about the things that really matter. I never mentioned the things the Lord Jesus Christ had done for me. On top of that I usually tell others that my ministry is Personal Evangelism.

And I will probably never see that gentleman again.

As I keep on walking I cannot trust my eyes. There he is again and as he is spotting me he is waiting for me.

We are talking again and all of a sudden he is talking about religion. That must have been the working of the Lord. From then on it was not difficult to tell him how the Lord found me.

Although he is a rationalist, he was willing to listen. Praise the Lord.
