Some time ago I saw the following on a website” Preparation is more important than the actual doing.” I really believe that.

That was actually confirmed today when I read the following in a book about a world famous surgeon. Here is the quote: ” In 1987 Dr B. Carson gained worldwide recognition for his part in the successful separation of Siamese twins joined at the back of the head. It was an extremely complex and delicate operation- five months in the planning , 22 hours in the execution.”

The fact is that our whole life here on earth is a preparation for ETERNITY. Once we have grasped that fact everything that happens to us is easier to endure–but I admit, when it comes to the crunch, it can be still heartbreaking. Somebody once said:” Most of our problems can only be understood in the light of eternity.” But that is already another story.

I am asking myself: Am I prepared for eternity? Only yesterday I glanced through the letter for the graduates from the Bible College I attended. The death of a former student was reported, age 67. I am also 67 at the moment.

How many years do you still have here on earth to prepare for eternity? What do you think? How many more matches are still in the matchbox? I read that once in a book by CH Spurgeon!

Many years ago in London I distributed tracts with the title ‘ARE YOU READY TO MEET GOD’?

Read the Bible, Amos 4:12.
