He was a very gifted teacher of the Word of God and well liked all over the country and he knew also how to talk about the quiet time we ought to have with the Lord.

He was very busy of course – until he had a burnout.

The whole family I understand had the opportunity to go for help to a real man of God. The wife, who knew her husband better than anybody else said, that her husband does not have his quiet time any more with the Lord.

The man of God said only, “Then I am not surprised that you have a burnout.”


What is the secret of a Christian’s daily life? THE QUIET TIME!

If you want to grow cold and backslide all you need to do is neglect THE QUIET TIME!

D. E. Hoste said that they never knew which candidates that arrived on the Mission field would do well in the years to come, for it all depended on how well they guarded THE QUIET TIME!