Personal Evangelism:


The two monks (Krishna) were selling books in front of the  Post Office here in Kaitaia. If they find out that you are not going to buy their books, your conversation with them can be very short.

In my conversation with one of them I managed to find out that he became a monk because he was looking for a saintly person.

I am still thinking about the saints he was looking for.

About that time I was reading what C. H. Spurgeon says about saints in his book “Morning and Evening”, daily readings. On July 6 he is explaining Romans 1:7, where it says, “Called to be saints”.

I had learned some time ago that I am a saint and was glad to read about it again!


I did not count them, but there must have been at least four or even five girls sitting on the footpath on Watts  Street here in Kaitaia in front of the Kaitaia Baptist Church.

They asked for money. They did not get any money of course, but I told them about the love of God.

I am still thinking that those who are preaching in  the Baptist church are having it much easier than those who are telling the good news in front of the  church.