

David had it on his mind to move the ark from one place to another.

During the reign of Saul they did not inquire of it. He also wanted to make sure that it seemed right to all the people. He also wanted to be sure that it was the will of the LORD.

At that time the ark was in the city of  Kiriath Jearim. We are also told in which house the ark was. The ark was in the house of Abinadab. David had it on his mind to bring the ark from the house of Aminadab in Kiriath Jearim to the city of  David, to Jerusalem.


From what I read at the beginning of  First Chronicles chapter thirteen he went to each of his  officers and consulted with them. It does not say how many officers he had, but he had  officers (commanders) of thousands and  of hundreds.

After he had conferred with his officers he talked to the whole assembly. They agreed with him. It seemed right to all the people to bring the ark to Jerusalem. So the word of the bringing back of the ark to Jerusalem was spread all over the place. It was big news. We read that the rest of all the  brothers and  the priests and Levites received the news to come and  take part in this great event.

David assembled all his people. They came from all over the place, from Egypt to Lebo Hamath.

Let me summarize:

1. He consulted the officers.

2. He talked to the whole assembly.

3. Word was sent far and wide to the rest of all the brothers.

4. The priests received word about the undertaking.

5. Not only the priests, but also the Levites.

6. And finally it says that David assembled all the people.

What a leader!

Do you get, what the BIBLE, the Word of the Living God is saying?