In THE WHANGAREI REPORT, Thursday, June 16, 2011, the question “What’s Hot  and What’s Not around the city?” is asked. The paper wants to know and you can send a text to the number given.

And this is the answer to the WHAT’S NOT:

“‘The state of the footpaths is terrible. I knw  of a numba of people  who have tripped on a crack and really hurt themselves. We need to sort this out b4 we build fancy stuff in this city.'”  The city is of course Whangarei in the north of New Zealand.

Footpath in Kaitaia in the north of New Zealand (Stonecraft Construction)

I am interested!

I agree! First things first. The fancy stuff can wait. We need a level path for our feet.  We don’t want to trip on a crack. We don’t want to hurt ourselves.

The Book of books, the BIBLE, commands us not only to make a level path for our feet, but the Bible commands us also to take only ways that are firm. Proverbs 4:26. Why should we make level paths for our feet? “So that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.” Hebrews 12:13.

I like the word level. I think you know what a level path is. A level path is a path which has a  surface of completely equal height. No cracks!

Let us read together the first part of a verse from the Old Testament, namely Isaiah 26:7:

“The path of the righteous is level, ……..;”

Who is righteous?

All those who have responded to the redeeming work of God through Christ. We respond in Faith.  Once we have done that we are accepted by God and approved. Romans 5:17;  Romans 10:3 ; Romans 10:10.

How does God manifest his righteousness in His dealings with us sinners? By His gracious actions through Christ. When we are responding to His redeeming work he justifies and saves us.