When did you hear your last Sermon on the subject “Heaven?”

werner-150x150“It is only since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world, that they’ve become so ineffective in this one,” writes Billy Graham in his DEVOTIONAL TREASURY called UNTO THE HILLS on page 241.

Believe me, when I read that this morning I was excited, and I am still excited.

There is a book in my library written by a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ called Georg Brinke and the title is JENSEITIGES UND ZUKUENFTIGES ( The other World and the Future ).

I can hardly believe what he writes at the beginning of the book. Here is the translation of a couple of sentences:

“It is now more than 40 years that I know the Lord Jesus Christ. During that time it was my privilege to attend many meetings and conferences. I listened to outstanding teachers of the BIBLE, but I never heard  anybody preach on the subject “Heaven.” Not long ago I noticed also that  I myself have never preached on the subject of “Heaven”, except on the subject of the New Jerusalem.”

You will agree with me that we hear and read a lot about DIVINE HEALING!

What was the favourite sermon subject of D. L. Moody? Yes, it was “HEAVEN.”

“‘Aim at heaven,’ said C. S. Lewis, ‘and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth, and you will get neither.'” ( Billy Graham in UNTO THE HILLS, page 241)