“God sets the lonely in families,” we read in the book called Psalms.

From a sermon I heard many, many years ago I remember that the preacher said that we start off  alone. When we get married, we become two. Then the children are being born and it does not matter how many children we have, all of them leave the home eventually. We are two again. Then the husband or the wife dies and there is only one person left.



“Tens of thousands of older New Zealanders are very, very lonely,” it says on the card I picked up today at the local Age Concern office.

A lady from Age Concern Napier “says social isolation – or lack of community connection – is the single most serious issue facing older people.” (RISE: Issue 26 – March 2014)

On the card from the local Age Concern office it says also, “We’re here to help when it feels like nobody cares.”

I don’t need to tell you that a home, a family, consists of a Father, a Mother and children.

But I want to tell you that there is also a church family.

Whether I want to or not, but I am one of the “older people”, but I belong to a church family. I am not only not  lacking community connection, but I am also connected to the Living God. I am born again.

Please read this promise from the THE BOOK OF BOOKS:

“Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you.

The Lord cares!