The Quiet Time in the MORNING.

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The above verse from the Bible – Psalm 5:3 – has been standing in one of our rooms for a long time, but I did not take much notice of it – until now. (No need to tell you that things are getting old, when you have them for a long time.)

The above verse is taken from the Authorized Version.

Here is the same verse – Psalm 5:3 – in the New International Version:

“In the MORNING, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the MORNING I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.”

In his book ONE HUNDRED BIBLE LESSONS Alban Douglas is writing,

“D. E. Hoste said that he never knew which candidates that arrived on the Mission field  would do well in the years to come, for it all depended on how well they guarded THE QUIET TIME.”

Just as I did not take much notice of Psalm 3:5 standing in one of our rooms for a long time, many people do not take any notice of the whole Bible all the time they are living.

In Genesis 19:27 it says this about Abraham, “Early the next MORNING Abraham got up and returned to the place where he had stood before the LORD.”