Bad News – Good News

“Journalists are people who take in other people’s washing and then sell it,” says the Australian writing team Marjorie Barnard and Flora Eldershaw.

How true is that, you only need to listen to the news. Also listen to your friends. I did that just now in town and the news was bad.

But yesterday in the evening at 7 pm I went to a meeting at the Virtue Christian Centre here in Kaitaia and listened to Marilyn Skinner, the co-founder of Watoto Childcare Ministries in Uganda an her focus was on good News.

I remember her saying that we hear so much bad news about Africa, but she says that Africa is a beautiful country. I mentioned already that her focus was on good news, on good happenings, and at one stage in her talk she asked if we were ready for more good news, good happening, and she told as more good happenings.

werner-150x150-e1367980712224Of course, we are always ready to hear more good news, but who wants to hear more bad news?