We can make our days count.

Entering a bus not long ago, I noticed one other passenger with quite a bit of luggage.

The passenger was from Germany. The driver of the bus told him, that I was also from Germany, but instead of using the German language, we continued to converse in english until we arrived in Mangonui at the East Coast. We talked about a number of things, but I told my fellow traveller also that I belong to the Lord Jesus Christ. The driver of the bus knows that I am a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Counting Days

Counting Days

In Mangonui I noticed the vehicle of the man who is looking after the conveniences there and expected to see my friend from Kaikohe again. But someone else was doing the job now and I was told that my friend had had an accident. I mentioned that there is so much bad news everywhere and that I was glad to have the Bible with the Good News. But that was not a long conversation of course as the man had to continue his work.

Another conversation in one of the gift shops in Mangonui was even shorter. Somehow I got talking to the person who was looking after the shop and somehow we got talking about spiritual things. But when we got really into it the phone rang and that was the end of course.

“Don’t count the days, make the days count.” Make the days count for ETERNITY.