Den Kopf in den Sand stecken (German)

Es ist nicht bekannt, wer zum ersten Mal gesagt hat:


Da sind Leute, die stecken den Kopf in den Sand, wenn es sich um das Evangelium handelt.

Wenn wir das Evangelium hoeren, wird von uns eine Entscheidung verlangt. Entweder sagen wir ja oder wir sagen nein. So wie wir sind, koennen wir nicht in das Himmelreich kommen.

Es hilft uns auch nichts, wenn wir in einem christlichen Elternhaus gross geworden sind. Dadurch haben wir nicht das EWIGE LEBEN.

Wir muessen persoenlich glauben und dem Herrn Jesus nachfolgen.

Die Bibel spricht auch an verschiedenen Stellen vom Zaehneknirschen. Wir wollen sehen, was wir im Matthaeusevangelium im achten Kapitel im zwoelften vers lesen. Dort steht: “‘…; aber die Soehne des Reiches werden in die Finsternis draussen hinausgestossen werden; dort wird lautes Weinen und Zaehneknirschen sein.'” (Menge – Uebersetzung). Wir wollen auch beachten, wer das sagt.

Die folgenden Stellen sprechen auch von Zaehneknirschen: Matthaeus 13, 42.50; 22,13; 24,51; 25,30 und Lukas 13,28.


To win a copy of Love to a Whore’s Daughter, tell us how God has healed an aspect of your life.

I believe with Ralph Martin who writes in his book Hungry for God that it is a myth, that  a child lacking a good earthly father can never hope to understand what having God as Father means.

We hear that sometimes.

Fleeing from the Russians during the Second World War from the east to the west of Germany, losing not only our home, but also losing my father (I was too little to remember anything of my father), God became my Father and heaven my home.

But I surely can understand what it means  to have God as my Father. I don’t even know if my earthly father was a good father.



Among the dead was a king, including two of his captains and 100 men. The two captains and the 100 men were consumed by fire.

All this happened because a king went to the wrong address.

This king had an accident, he was seriously injured. Now the question uppermost on his mind was of course, “Will I get well again?”

To find out he sent messengers to the god of Ekron (Baal-Zebub). But before the messengers arrived at the address of the god of Ekron, they were met by the prophet Elijah and told that the king would certainly die.

The king found that difficult to accept.

His mistake was that instead of consulting the God of Israel, he consulted the god of Ekron (Baal-Zebub).

May the Lord help us to go to the right address always.


Please read the story of King Ahaziah, the king of Israel, in the Bible. You find the story in the book called Second Kings, chapter one.