Followers of the Lord Jesus Christ have many opportunities to acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ before men. (Matthew 10:32)

In my conversations with people yesterday in MANGONUI I told people what the Lord Jesus Christ means to me.

Thinking about my Personal Evangelism – PE – yesterday three slender volumes come to my mind. One of the little booklets is written by Friedrich Meisinger and is called MEINE KANZEL IST DIE WELT. (My Pulpit is the World)

Mangonui yesterday

Mangonui yesterday

 The two other books are  the work of Ernie Klassen. He used to be one of my teachers at Bible school. That was long ago in Germany. He did not teach the subject Personal Evangelism, but it seemed to me that he always talked about the Lord Jesus Christ to people. Uncle Ernie, as we called him, visited us while working in Kaikohe as missionaries, and he is now in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ.

In one of the booklets he lists the 6 Facets of encouragement in Personal Evangelism. Here they are: I. Use the Word and the unfailing promises of God. II. Something is bound to register. III. Angels in heaven rejoice. IV. There are no true atheists. V. Peace on earth only if we have peace with God. VI. Conscience is always on our side.

I must read the booklets Smile, laugh, and live the Abundant life (Reflections on life-style evangelism) and You never meet anyone by chance again!

I had conversations yesterday in Mangonui with individuals and at one stage there were three listeners. It is surprising how many people one can reach in one day.