“How are you getting home tonight?” begins the advertisement in our local paper, The Northland Age, Tuesday, July 26, 2016. That is a question and questions need to be answered.

Underneath the question is not only a picture of a police car, but also of an ambulance and a fire engine. Right at the bottom of the ad is written, “If you’re out and having a few drinks, make sure you’ve got a sober driver to get you home safely.”

A couple of pages before in the same paper I find the article called, “Kiwis in denial about harm our alcohol culture is doing.” A Professor of Otago University Preventative and Social Medicine says, “‘New Zealanders are too tolerant of risks created by heavy drinking.'”



What does God have to say about liquor indulgence? Proverbs 20:1: “Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whoever is deceived thereby is not wise.” In God’s estimation only fools consume liquor.

Abraham Lincoln was a great man and this is what he has said about liquor: “A cancer in human society, eating out its vitals and threatening its destruction.”

Coming back to the question at the beginning. I know how I am getting home if I am out in the evening. I am driving my own car, because I am sober.