I discover that I enjoy the books in my small library more than ever.

The reason for that is that they are now sorted.

Almost forgotten book in my linbrary

Almost forgotten book in my library

Before the books were at times all over the place in ‘my room,’ although most of them were on the shelves of the furniture called bookcase, but not quite in the right order. (Or should I rather say in the wrong order?)

It took me some time to make an alphabetical list of all the authors and their books. The list is now in a folder and any book is now easy to find at any time.

I am also making sure now that I put the books back where they belong. ‘My room’ looks really tidy now.

And this is what I am learning at the same time:

I think the reason why most of the people are not enjoying their lives as they should is, because their lives are not sorted. Their lives are not sorted by the Living God.