“Unmissable reads,” is one category in the catalogue “The best books for Christmas 2016” called.

Two books are listed in that category and I think it means that are books one MUST read. Did I get that right?

For me there is only one book we must read and that is the Bible, the Word of God!


I remembered MY BEST BOOK, when I read “The Best books for Christmas 2016.”

“The best books for Christmas 2016” are all categorized in the catalogue I picked up today at our bookshop when I bought the local paper.

"The best books for Christmas 2016"

“The best books for Christmas 2016”

There are autobiographies, books for people who like to cook, books for teenagers and children. There are also special books for wives and husbands. Books for thinkers are also available, “Hard to buy for” is one category called. Yes, it is hard to buy presents for some people, not only Christmas presents.

My “best book for Christmas 2016” is the Bible, the Word of God. The Bible has been MY best book for a good number of years, not only for Christmas, but for every day of the year and every day of my life.