“Follow John’s tips for a safe, stressfree journey,” is the caption of the image and the title of the article is “Sound road safety rules to live by.” (Northern News, December 21, 2016) John is the chairman of Roadsafe Northland.

“Follow John’s tips for a safe, stressfree journey,” reminds me that our whole life is a journey. And God has given us rules for our journey to live by. We find God’s rules for us to live by in the Bible. They are called The Ten Commandments.

Memorizing Bible verses and especially The Ten Commandments

You find The Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:1-17. And The Greatest Commandment we find in Matthew 22:37-40.

In the same paper I am not only reading about “tips for a safe, stressfree journey” on the road, but also about “Top tips for summer water safety.”

Here are four road safety rules: “Increase your distance, the price of speeding, don’t drive when tired,” and “watch out for others.”

Let us always keep our eyes on God’s rules to live by and not neglect other safety rules.