“Life is relationships; the rest is just details.”

Reading that quote by Gary Smalley, the American writer and family counsellor, made me think again about relationships.

The truth is that as we are born we do not have peace with our Creator. (That means no relationship with God.) On top of that we do not have peace within ourselves. And finally we do not have peace with other people.

But there is the grace of God.

What does the grace of God give us? The grace of God gives us first of all peace with God. (That means a relationship with our Creator.) Secondly the grace of God gives us peace within. Thirdly the grace of God gives us peace with others.

Life surely is relationships. But we must accept the grace of God and begin with a relationship with God; then we don’t only have peace with God, but also peace within and peace with others.


At the beach

MOSES was a man of faith who persevered.

Why did he persevere? He persevered because he saw the invisible God. He had his eyes on the Lord.

The Bible tells us in Hebrews 11:24-28 three times that he lived by faith.

A. Hebrews 11:24

It was by faith that he “refused to be known as Pharaoh’s daughter.”

B. Hebrews 11:27

It was by faith that “he left Egypt, not fearing the king’s anger.”

C. Hebrews 11:28

It was by faith that “he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of blood, …”

Let us remember that even if we do not see the invisible God, (even if we do not have our eyes on the Lord), the invisible God sees us.

Read Psalm 139:1-4!

I like especially where David says in Psalm 139: “Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O LORD.”

Jehovah’s Witnesses

Jehovah’s Witnesses at Mangonui with literature



No. 6 2016

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Available in 282 LANGUAGES


No. 5 2016

Produced Each Issue: 57,761,000

Available in 106 Languages

Shopping Mall

AUCKLAND: Rangitoto Island

What is coming to your mind?

CHRISTMAS 2016 on Boxing Day at a big shopping centre in Auckland, I saw people selling and big crowds buying. You should have been there.

Luke 17:28 came to my mind, where it says: “‘It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building.'”