Sermon Outline – OT – NIV



“…, do not learn to imitate the detestable  ways of the nations there.

Deuteronomy 18:9-12


Let no one be found among you

a.  who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire,

b.  who practices divination or

c.  sorcery,

d.  interprets omen,

e.  engages in witchcraft, or

f.  casts spells, or

g.  who is a medium or

h.  spiritist or

i.  who consults the dead.


Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD, …”



“Kicked out of the Kingdom”, is a book by Charles Trombley, and the book was given to me yesterday.

I have not quite finished reading the 182 pages, but it is the story about a Jehovah’s Witness who tells how the Lord Jesus Christ became Lord and Master of his life.

WHAT A BOOK: It took me not many hours to read it.

I see already that this book will help me greatly when talking to Jehovah’s Witnesses, what I have done already quite a bit in the past. I am thinking especially about what they are thinking about SALVATION.

My first contact with Jehovah’s Witnesses was in Germany many many years ago before I became a child of God. At that time I wanted to know the meaning to life.

Here in Kaitaia at the moment the  Jehovah’s Witnesses are going door to door advertising a special meeting at the Kingdom Hall.

You can also see them at the Kaitaia market on Saturday with their literature. You find them also on the Main Street in Kataia with their literature. I have also seen them at Mangonui  and Russell. As mentioned before, I have had conversations with quite a number of them.

What are the Jehovah’s Witnesses teaching about salvation?

You can earn your salvation. How can you do that?

  • by going from house to house.
  • by preaching the Watchtower gospel.
  • by “maintaining integrity” toward Jehovah.
  • by “maintaining integrity” toward his organization.

You are earning points.

And there is more of course. (Get hold of the book “Kicked out of the Kingdom”, by Charles Trombley.)